Thursday, 11 December 2008

On My Blog

Initially when I started this blog, it was intended to serve as a personal dumping ground for those emotions that make me run amok and a private one for that matter. My being jobless for sometime now has made the internet to be my best friend and I have gotten use to the habit of reading other peoples blogs and notes. This has consequently fueled the desire to make my blog open to the public, though i am constantly thinking that someone that knows my might come across it and realise it is my handy work. So I have been searching for ways to get it noticed withoutme directly sending the links out to people. Today I linked it to other blog hosting sites, and hopefully I will record my first hit in th next 6 months as someone said about his blog (laughs).

Aside from trying to update my blog, today as been so so, sent out two more work applications today, and trust, my little one took up the rest of my timey

I forgot to add, thanks to Naijadude ( for his prompt reply to my blog query.


  1. Blogging does add a good feel to your inner-self and its just like talking to a group of friends, relieving you of so much stress and tension...

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  2. Hello there, how have you been??

  3. Naijadude, thanks for asking, i am fine and getting there i guess
